One day, I made a decision that would change my life forever.

After years of cultural pressure to stay in a noble profession I finally left my job as a nurse to pursue a full time career in audio, a medium that I loved since I was a kid making mixtapes and dubbing in my voice as the host. My parents were confused, I was scared of leaving the consistency and security of a healthcare job, but I did it anyway. I was already moonlighting on the radio. On Fridays I'd host Rise Up Radio for WBAI-NY, one of Pacifica’s legendary progressive public radio stations. It was a social justice show, and it became a place where I could talk about the hard stuff, learn how to produce and manage, and just BE. But I still didn't have an in to the magical arena of professional podcasting.

After 7 years on New York City broadcast radio, I was up for a challenge. 

Work by night. Start a radio station by day. 

In 2013, my friends and I started Bondfire Radio. It was an online station devoted to the community. It was here that we started having real conversations; things we weren't hearing in the mainstream. Since then, we produced innovative live programming marathons, award winning audio fiction work and performances, and supporting independent voices in our community that would not have a voice otherwise. 

The pièce de résistance for me was hosting and producing TK in the AM a live morning show with my creative partner, C. We tackled current events, self-care, and more with humor and real-time audience interaction 3 times a week for 6 years. Do the math, that’s over 1K episodes.

But, being self-taught can only get you so far. 

Enter, the Association for Independents in Radio (AIR) New Voices program. Their mission: to uplift underrepresented voices in audio. In 2016, I was selected to be a participant. Through mentorship, networking, and collaboration I’ve not only grown as a producer, but have also lead teams and mentored others. Before I knew it, I was voted into the Board of Directors and continue to serve the radio and podcasting communities.

 So what excites me these days as an established producer?

Connecting our present to our past and future, hearing different accents and voices, and seeing myself in all of them.  Representation is why I choose to produce and host the content I do.

Whether it’s conversations with Plus size influencers on Cocktails and Confidence, exploring lust and desire on Buzzfeed’s Thirst Aid Kit, unpacking inspiration on season 1 of Good Words with Kirk Franklin, or  examining sleep in America on HiberNation by Headspace—I inspire listeners to lead with joy in all intersections of life.

Currently, I am reporter on NPR's Life Kit, an investigative collection of first-person accounts exploring mental health, personal boundaries, inner voice, and more. For me, it's all about making a statement.

But somehow with all these credits, there was still something missing, something most of us can’t be promoted into or given. That’s a seat at the table. I didn't just want to be at the table. I wanted to make a table of my own.

So now I have my own company, Philo's Future Media.

We're a boutique audio house named after my grandmother, Philomene- open for consultations, short film audio, and everything in between. We produced the notable hope punk podcast Open World, and we're currently producing Interfaith America with Eboo Patel, a podcast about religious diversity in America.

My story isn’t over yet. And while I’ve come so far in my audio journey, I know I have more stories to share. And more importantly, more people to inspire to build their own empire.